I'm on the road from Zurich to London, so I can work the three day bank holiday in London. My hosts in London tell me it's well worth my time, and I am eager to give London a second try, with kids on vacation and warm weather. But I'm stopping in Paris on the way to run a couple of errands.

1) Last time I passed through, I reported, with some amusement, that the vending machine at my hotel had tarot cards. Two people got excited about that and asked me to obtain one for them, and I promised to do so the next time I was traveling Paris to London, where I can stash the cards and not have to haul them all over the continent. Promise kept.

2) My friend and fellow Laurel, Heather Rocchi, asked me to stop at the Musée Français de la Carte à Jouer and do some research for her. So I spent several hours there, examining everything, getting Google Translate to help me figure out what I was seeing. (This museum is not on the tourist maps and there was nothing in English.) I took a lot of pictures, using a Real Camera instead of my phone, and hopefully some of it will be useful to her once I get them all uploaded. As a gambler and a magician, my interest in cards is more about their function than their print art, but I still had a pretty good time.