Well, thank you, London, for all you've taught me. I found your audiences hard to hold, but your other buskers friendly and supportive, and your police courteous and fair.

Phase 3 of Project Eurotramp is starting. We're done with London except to wrap up at the end. It's off to tool about England and Scotland, then across to ummm... probably Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Austria, then back to London to pack and fly. I'd like to hit Scandinavian countries as part of that but that might be too ambitious. One thing at a time, and right now, that thing is the medievalesque streets of York.

The only change to the original plan, I have decided to haul the magician's table along with me. That's a logistical burden, but I think it will pay its way. If nothing else, it will let me set up shop to do readings pretty much anywhere I want. As long as I don't fall afoul of any anti-romany laws (or biases), I will be able to operate in niches no other busker can use.

And now, alas, it is back to hostels again. The Hudson family was so generous and patient, allowing me to use their guest room. It was a lovely refuge and permitted me to focus on what I was doing, and even take breaks to recharge. I will miss the room, and them. I'm going to include a photo here, so you can see what a guest room looks like at an SCA Laurel home.