"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it." - As You Like It

I've been in London for a day and I'm mostly over my jet lag so it's time to explore. My hostel is in Southwark, a fitting place since I've always imagined Henry Best got his start here among the stews, bearbaiters, sturdy beggars, 'Gyptians, actors, and other suchlike cozeners and liberties of sin.

Today I'm just exploring and I have my eye on Bankside. The Globe is here and groundling tickets are only £5. If all I did in London was see Shakespeare plays and busk in between, that would still be a full and delightful adventure.

The weather is colder and wetter than I imagined. Below a certain temperature it is generally impractical to convince an audience to stand and watch a show for very long. I'm going to need to be aggressive about exploiting moments of sunshine and warmth. I also need to find an amiable indoor venue. That may turn out to be I'm more important part of my subsistence than I thought.

Addendum: Bankside has a lot of "no busking" signs. Each time I find a spot I like I see evidence that someone else liked it once before...